Separation Anxiety

Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is the most common anxiety disorder in children under 12, and it can negatively impact the whole family system. It is normal and developmentally appropriate for young children to experience anxiety during separations when they are between 18 months and about 15 months old, and again when it...
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Blended Families

Blended Families

How To Blend Your Family - 11 Steps To Success   Family dynamics have changed over the years and blended families are becoming more common in our society. With this change, it’s important to understand how the blending of two families can affect the children involved, and how you can...
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PACEful Parenting: How To Build A Healthy Relationship With Your Child (At Any Age)

PACEful Parenting: How To Build A Healthy Relationship With Your Child (At Any Age)

Parenting is hard. As parents, we avoid this difficult truth because we feel it somehow reflects our quality of parenting, but it doesn’t! It’s one of the most difficult (yet rewarding) thing’s you’ll ever do in life. One thing that many parents struggle with is building a positive relationship with...
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10 Easy Holiday Activities for Kids and Families to Build Strong Connections and Lasting Memories (without breaking the bank).

10 Easy Holiday Activities for Kids and Families to Build Strong Connections and Lasting Memories (without breaking the bank).

The Holidays are normally a time to de-stress, take a break, unwind and reconnect. This year feels a little different though as we are on this pandemic roller coaster. Families are still feeling stressed. Kids are still struggling. Parents are carrying a LOT. Our team has come together and we...
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5 Ways You Can Support Your Teen with Social Anxiety

5 Ways You Can Support Your Teen with Social Anxiety

Has the pandemic amplified your teen's fears of being in social settings? Are they experiencing an increased fear of being at school and avoiding certain situations?  You are not alone, and they are not alone. Social anxiety has increased greatly amongst all ages and groups since the world went into lockdown, and potentially way...
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6 Essential Characteristics of a Strong Family

6 Essential Characteristics of a Strong Family

  How we define ‘family’ is entirely based on our values and personal experiences in life. There is no set way to describe a family, and none are more valid than any other, whether it’s made up of step-parents, single parents, foster parents, adoptive parents, or anyone of your choosing....
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Paediatric Occupational Therapy

Paediatric Occupational Therapy

We have recently welcomed a Paediatric Occupational Therapist, Arohi Atre, BOT, MSOT, OT Reg. (Ont), to our team at Acorn Counselling. What is her role and what can you expect when working with a Paediatric Occupational Therapist? What is Occupational Therapy? Occupational Therapy (OT) works to improve function in daily...
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Resources: COVID-19 Supports for Children and Families During Social Distancing

Resources: COVID-19 Supports for Children and Families During Social Distancing

During this challenging time, I wanted to have a space to share resources about Covid-19 and children with the kids and families in our community. This page will be updated on an ongoing basis, as resources are found and developed. You will find stories, workbooks, colouring pages, and other general...
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Free Mini E-Course for Parents of Anxious Kids

We know it can be hard as a parent to know if your child is having issues with anxiety. In this 5-part series, we uncover ways you can help your child and family members ease worry and increase confidence.