Coping & Confident Teen Group

For teens who are ready to go from stressed, anxious and isolated to coping, confident and connected.

For teens who are ready to go from stressed, anxious and isolated to coping, confident and connected.

teen stress anxiety

If you’ve noticed that:

  • Your teen is feeling more anxious, worried, sad or lonely
  • Your teen seems unsure of themselves and lacks confidence
  • Your teen becomes overwhelmed with emotion and unable to cope
  • They put themselves down, think they’re not good enough
  • Your own heart breaks seeing them struggle and not knowing how to help, especially now

The Coping & Confident Teen group is the most effective way to take your teen from overwhelmed with emotion and self-doubt to:

The Coping & Confident Teen group is the most effective way to take your teen from overwhelmed with emotion and self-doubt to:

  • Learn practical skills and strategies to manage emotional ups and downs
  • Understand why avoiding their emotions actually makes things worse, and how they can learn to cope and practice skills with peer support
  • How our group clients can gain self-confidence and a sense of belonging in as little as 8 weeks
  • How they can get the support and connection they need

Brenna Bomberry is a Registered Psychotherapist (Q).

Melissa Melia Dunn is a master’s level student from Yorkville University. She is a Registered Psychotherapist (qualifying) and is part of our Clinical Internship Program.

Helping teens go from stressed and overwhelmed to coping and confident so that they can live the life they truly want.

Teen Group

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Not sure if group will work for you right now? 

We continue to offer individual child, youth and parent counselling. Get in touch to discuss what services will best meet your needs.